APP SunSecrets
On this page you will find the link to download the app and instructions for using it.
SunSecrets for Android
Download the free SunSecrets app for Android from the store.Reference Books
Solar Cookers
Cooking with the Sun - History, Theory, Construction, Recipes
An exhaustive manual-essay introducing you to the world of solar cookers that highlights the potential of these practical tools with which you can cook your dishes outdoors with solar energy alone. You will learn the history, development and refinement of solar cookers, but also the theory of apparent motion of the Sun, as well of solar radiation and its conversion into heat. This book is accompanied by an extensive theoretical and practical section that illustrates the working principles of solar cookers: complete with the methods to build them with recycled materials, illustrative examples and advice on recipes.(ITA) I Segreti degli Orologi Solari (2a ed.)
Manuale per leggere, comprendere e progettare meridiane
Un esauriente saggio-manuale che vi farà conoscere tutti i segreti degli orologi solari, affascinanti strumenti che indicano il trascorrere delle ore e delle stagioni grazie all'ombra proiettata da un'asticella. Nel libro troverete la loro storia, la nascita della misura del tempo, dei calendari, i molti tipi di ore che possono essere indicate e scoprirete come le divinità di molte religioni siano nate dal culto del Sole e del mutare delle stagioni. Il libro contiene anche un'ampia sezione teorica e pratica che vi insegnerà il principio di funzionamento dei diversi tipi di meridiane e i metodi per progettarle, aiutandovi con esempi e calcoli realizzati con l'ausilio di software gratuito.Instructions
Main Screen
The main page allows to know data related to the Sun based on the place and time selected, such as the hours of light, the altitude and azimuth of the Sun for the chosen instant but also for sunrise, True Noon and sunset.
The alarm icon indicates whether standard time (blue), daylight saving time (yellow), or manual time zone (gray) is in effect.
The compass allows you to view the sunrise, sunset and position of the Sun on the horizon. The bar on the right shows the altitude of the Sun at the selected instant.
Touch the map or clock icons to go to the pages to choose the place or time to analyse.
With the Data nerd selector, other particular data are shown such as the Equation of Time and declination of the Sun for the chosen day and more.
The Time and Day sliders allow to instantly change the time and day for calculations and see immediately the effects on the data and in the compass.
The T button sets the tracking of the current time; press it again to return to previous settings.
Button A sets the current time without updating it further.
By temporarily changing the Time and Date with sliders or buttons, the backgrounds of the Time and Date indicators turn yellow to indicate that they are different from the settled time.
The R button returns to the selected time by repositioning the sliders.
The Data selector shows or hides calculated data.
The Refr. selector shows sunrise and sunset taking into account the apparent solar disk instead of identifying the Sun as a point. If enabled, the data affected by the calculation will have a red background.
The Compass selector shows or hides the compass.
The Lab selector shows the corresponding section that allows the calculation of the wall azimuth as explained in the book
"The Secrets of Sudials"
Note: the software uses the table of fixed values for the Equation of Time that you find in my books, therefore not linked to the current year. This means that you may encounter differences of a few seconds for the True Noon compared to the real value; an absolutely negligible fact if you are not observing monumental sundials with precision of a few seconds.
Map screen
Section do be done. Work in progress...Thank you for your patience.